Saturday, November 12, 2011

Re/Creating Tampa: 101 Ideas for a Better City

David Davisson over at Re/Creating Tampa has been diligently blogging for the past 2 years or so.  His blog is like a feed providing highlights from the Tampa blogosphere and sharing random thoughts, interestingness and ideas from non-Tampa media.  And yes, occasionally this blog makes the cut!  I have never seen a more thorough directory of Tampa related blogs, as the one provided on the margin of Re/Creating Tampa.  Well, now you can peruse Re/Creating Tampa, the book "Re/Creating Tampa: 101 Ideas for a Better City".  The book is chock full with ideas (101 to be exact) to help make Tampa a better place.  From the obvious (#8 Increase the population density) to the creative (#56 Human-Powered Carnival Rides in Public Parks) the list starts off strong addressing one of my favorite topics, the annoyance of overbearing Historic Districts (#1 Innovative Neighborhood Designations).  Another gem and the one that probably embodies the essence of the term "Re/Creating Tampa", #91 Return mutual aid societies.

Thank you David for giving us some food for thought!  

So, check it out already!


  1. Thank you. What a nice review! Let me know if you have any ideas for the second edition.

  2. No problem! There is another edition in the works? Nice!
